About me

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I earned my B.Eng degree in computer science from the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) - Vietnam National University in 2021. I was distinguished as the valedictorian of the Computer Science major during undergraduate studies.

I'm pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC, USA under the supervision of Dr. Jianqing Liu. My research areas focus on quantum sensing, quantum networking, and the design of quantum algorithms for combinatorial problems. In recognition of my achievements, I have received the Outstanding PhD Student Award and student travel grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF).

What i'm doing

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    Quantum Sensing

    Quantum Sensing is an advanced sensor technology that vastly improves the accuracy of how we measure, navigate, study, explore, see, and interact with the world around us by sensing changes in motion, and electric and magnetic fields.

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    Quantum Networking

    Quantum networking is a field of technology that applies principles of quantum mechanics to create highly secure and efficient communication networks. It utilizes quantum entanglement and quantum key distribution to enable ultra-secure transmission of information, where any attempt at eavesdropping can be instantly detected.

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    Quantum Annealing

    Quantum annealing is a specialized quantum computing technique used primarily for solving complex optimization problems. It works by initially setting quantum bits (qubits) in a superposition of all possible states, then gradually reducing quantum fluctuations to guide these qubits towards their lowest energy state. This final state represents the optimal solution to the problem.

News Feed



  1. North Carolina State University

    Ph.D. Student
    Fall 2024 — Present
  2. University of Engineering and Technology (VNU)

    Bachelor degree in Computer Science
    Fall 2017 — Fall 2021


  1. Kennesaw State University

    Graduate Research Assistant
    2022 — Present

    Conducted research on topics of quantum computing, quantum annealing, quantum networking, and quantum machine learning.

    Teching Assistant - CS3503 Computer Organization and Architecture (Fall 2022)

  2. University of Engineering and Technology (VNU)

    Teaching Assistant
    2021 — Present

    Developed algorithms to detect anomalous devices from the raw data collected in Smart Home

    Teching Assistant - INT2209 Computer Network (Fall 2021)

    Lecturer - NodeJS Fundamentals, Codegym Vietnam

  3. Revolution Technology Laboratory

    2018 — 2019

    Built multi-tenant Proxy connection service integrated into OpenStack systems.

My skills

  • Major languages: Vietnamese, English, Chinese, Python, Java
  • Libraries: IBM Qiskit, QuTiP, cuQuantum


* denotes equal contribution



  • IEEE 2024 International Conference on Communications NSF Student Travel Grant - $1000
  • KSU Outstanding Ph.D Student - Research Award (2023)
  • IEEE 2023 International Conference on Communications NSF Student Travel Grant - $1250
  • KSU-College of Computing and Engineering Student Travel Grant - $1500 (2023)
  • Valedictorian - Top 1 Highest GPA among Computer Science Major Students, University of Engineering and Technology (2021)



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